Role playing is when individuals pretend to be someone they are not. They pretend to be a character or to be someone else, they play a role by acting out a scene. Playing a role means to act or act out a scene to convince others around that the part they are playing is real. There are various roles that can be played when role playing. It could be role playing for entertainment, role playing that children do for fun or role playing that an individual does to be deceptive.
When a movie is made, actors and actresses are hired to play a role. The job of the actors and actresses is to appeal to the audience that the role that they are playing is real. The actors and actresses, role play to convince those watching that they are the person that they are pretending to be. They role play to make something look believable. These actors and actress are role playing for entertainment.
Individuals role playing may start early in life when little children role play, with various toys. They role play with teacups when they have a tea party. At the tea party the children pretend to drink tea out of a cup that is empty. Children role play with doll houses and with dolls to pretend that the doll house is their house, and their dolls are their children. These individuals are role playing for fun.
Individuals play roles in the lives of others by playing roles that are good or bad. The role could be helpful or hurtful to an individual’s emotions. Role playing can be harmful when an individual pretends to be someone that they are not. To play the role of being a friend when they are not a friend, to love when they don’t love, to care when they don’t truly care. This type of role playing is unhealthy because others may get hurt when they realize that someone was playing a deceptive role that caused them harm. This type of role playing is deceptive.
Role playing is referenced in the bible, it reads in Romans 12: 28 “A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends.“ The scripture is a reminder that role playing that misleads others by pretending to be a follower of Christ. These individuals do not model the life of a believer. The role playing that these individuals are playing is to spread and display ungodly examples for others to see.
Whichever role you decide to play, an acting role, playful role, or a deceptive role. Let your role playing be a role that is pleasing to God and can change the life of an individual for good. Be careful of the role that you play in the lives of others because you never know the role that person will play in your life. Be mindful of your actions and play the role that you are destined to play in the lives of others. Let the role you play count towards the good that you do for others. I Will, Will You?