Have you heard the phrase that what one person is going through may not be for them but for someone else? The comment may be shared when an individual is experiencing a difficult time. The difficult time could be a series of disappointing and emotional events. The hope is that the person that is currently going through the difficult time will at the end of their struggle share their experience with someone else. At the end of the struggle, when the individual gets over the difficult and emotional time that they will later share their experience with someone else as a way of encouragement. The thought is that the difficult time that an individual is going through, is preparation to help someone else. Making preparations are useful in various functions, activities, and many different situations, the preparations are designed for the individual to be ready. Preparations can be made for various things. Preparations for events, functions, activities and in various other areas are done to make things easier and organized. Cooking meals require preparation, major purchases, preparations are made to host events and celebrations.
Preparations helps to complete a function. Making preparations is a process that may feel time consuming, confusing and prolonging. When the preparations do not provide the results that individual has envisioned it may cause the individual to not feel good when things do not happen according to how they planned. The events could be something that causes the feeling of disappointment. The disappointment could be when there is a lost, failure or when a person or people are removed from the life of an individual.
To help avoid a lost, an athlete will make preparations for an upcoming game or a match against an opposing team. Without preparations the athlete may not be ready to perform in a way that will enable them to outperform the other team and help their team win. The preparations made by the athlete helps them to be ready to win against their opponent. Preparations are to help them know how they will react when the action comes their way.
Students generally will make preparations to study a topic or subject to take tests, the preparations that students make are to help them to pass the test and avoid failure. The passing of the test will often allow the student to move up to the next grade or graduate.
The individual that has had a person leave their life, may not have been ready to let them go, but the removal could be preparation for them to graduate to the next level. When individuals have feelings of being stuck in a situation or in a place it could be a way of slowing things down while the path ahead is being prepared. The preparation could be to take an individual to the next level, the next level could be elevation from the current situation or from a place of complacency, the preparation is a process.
Preparations are an important action in the bible as well. It reads in 1 Peter 1:13 “Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;”. The individual may go through various circumstances to prepare them for the next step in life, but their hope and faith should be on the word of God. The steps may not be visible or understood at the time but when the individual keeps their mind on the promises of God, the preparation works. It’s better when the individual embraces the change and recognize that there is better to come. Preparations helps the individual to build on the disappointment and rejections that they may go through and make the best of it. Occasionally things or people must be moved or removed to clear the path for the preparation that the Lord has made to be carried out. The preparations may unfold layers of complicated issues. It’s helpful to learn from the experience, grow and share with others what they have gone through and assure them that if they place their trust in Christ things will work out for their good. They will see good come out of the situation. God’s plan may not be visible at first and understood in the beginning, but his plans are the best laid plans that exist. God’s preparations will eventually bring patience, joy, peace, understanding and hopefulness. I Will, Will You?