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Looking Forward

What does it mean to look forward? Looking forward is an optimistic way to view life.  To Look forward is to move through different stages of life, but what if individuals are in the habit of always looking forward and never slow down to enjoy the present. It is possible that enjoyment can be lost when looking at the things that are in the future are valued more than the present time. Looking forward to the opportunity to reach various life changing milestones, the next celebratory event, a change in the weather, or the chance to meet new people.

Opportunities can be missed when individuals never slow down to enjoy their present circumstances and current surroundings because they are always looking forward.  Never looking at the present to see the current days as being good days and making the most out of them. Not taking time to view the current weather as pleasant and a manageable day that can be enjoyed.  Individuals can find ways to see the good in the current weather conditions and see the rainbow in the clouds. There is an old phrase that is often repeated, that says one should stop to smell the roses.

In a fast-paced society, individuals could be conditioned to overlook the current status of many things. Conditioned to listen or view what happens next. The news is broadcasted many times a day, often repeating the same stories and events throughout the day. Telling the viewer what they should be looking forward to. To be prepared for what could happen next. For some individuals holidays are not fully enjoyed, when retailers start running advertisements, selling goods and services before the current holiday is over. Leaving no room to enjoy the current holiday, before looking forward and preparing for the next holiday.

Constantly looking forward may condition an individual to believe that they should be doing something different than what they are currently doing. It could be looking forward to meeting different or new people, people that are not like the people that they currently know. Looking forward may cause an individual to overlook a valued friend that’s always present, for the idea of a friend they want to meet. It is good to look forward, but not when the present is overlooked and not enjoyed to the fullest.  

In the bible looking forward is encouraged, but only to make sure that an individual doesn’t get stuck in one place, dwelling on past mistakes or their current situation that is unpleasant. It reads in Romans 8:18 “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” An individual may find themselves currently in a space or place that they don’t want to be in, but they should never lose hope.  There are occasions when looking forward is healthy and beneficial but not when all one does is just place their focus on what’s next and doesn’t enjoy the present. I Will, Will You?

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