What happens when other people tell your story. When your story is told by someone else, they add their interpretation. The comments that are made by an individual, may not be retold the way that it was said. If the comments are not told like they were said, then it’s possible that someone will be misrepresented, because the individual repeating the story, interpretation could be off. Misrepresentations happen when the retelling of the story and words are not in the sequence of how things were originally told. The events that are told by the other person, may not be firsthand knowledge of the facts and how they occurred. When the story is retold by others, it’s most likely told from the view that the person had. The story is rearranged and told from the individual’s point of view, that is telling it how they saw or heard it. When the story is rearranged, the person listening to the story being retold, might not be left with a favorable view. This may cause the image of an individual to be misrepresented. However, not all misrepresentations are intentional, often it could be a lack of understanding and interpretation on the part of the person that is listening.
An individual may make a comment about someone or a situation, and when the comment is shared, and the order of the words are changed the comment has a totally different meaning than what was intended. If an individual makes a comment that, they don’t like the actions of an individual, by changing the order of the words, the original comment has been changed. When the statement is being retold, by the one repeating the comment, the comment has a totally different meaning if the comment was changed to, that they do not like the person because of their actions or activities. The two statements are very different, and it depends on how the comment is repeated that makes the difference. Being misrepresented can have a negative impact on how others view each other. So, when there is an opportunity to let people know who you are and what you stand for, take advantage of it. Never let someone else tell your story, their version or image of you may not be accurate.
In the bible there are several references regarding misrepresentations. It reads in 2 Peter 1:20 “Knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation.” The scripture makes it clear that an individual’s interpretation does not equal prophecy of scripture. Which is the same as when someone is retelling a story or comment made by someone else as being the truth. When you get an opportunity let others know who you are and what you stand for, tell your own story. I Will, Will You?