It Appreciates the efforts of others.
Gives the benefit of the doubt in questionable situations.
Sees the best in others. 👀
Does not hold grudges.
Helps those that are struggling to live better.
Respects you as a human being.
Offers to assist, without expecting anything in return.
Reassures you that you are accepted and that you are good enough.
Shares a smile on a gloomy day.
Offers forgiveness without being asked.
Listens without interrupting.
Operates from a place of no judgement.
Forgets and forgives your mistakes.
Releases you from the guilt of your mistakes.
Knows that it is better to give than to receive.
Rejects and refuses to participate in gossip.
Remembers to say thank you.
Speaks for you when you are unable to speak for yourself.
Loves without a reason. 💖
Kindness can change the world if we all are willing to do our part. I Will, Will You?
How Kindness Works
Updated: Apr 22, 2021