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Is it true that sponges only release its contents when it’s squeezed? The job of a sponge is to be self-absorbent and to hold on to its contents with no concern for anything that is going on around it. The sponge does not need to be told what to do, if a sponge is placed in a wet place, it will automatically begin to absorb the wet contents. The sponge will expand, become soaked and heavy with the contents that it’s holding. Once the sponge becomes full beyond its capacity it will just sit and may begin to leak some of the contents. A person that is self-absorbed can be described as mirroring the actions of a sponge.

A person that is self-absorbed, is focused only on themselves and are satisfied with soaking up what’s around them. Self-absorption applies to a person that is living with a mindset that can only see what affects them. Being self-absorbed is like living with selfish thoughts, actions, and behavior that does not consider others. Self-absorption creates an environment for an individual that cause them to turn away from other people and to have an inward focus. A mind that is self-absorbed is one that cuts off communication and ties with others, it has the desire to leave others out. Leaving others out is used as a method to punish others while wounds or insecurities are nursed inwardly.

Things are missed when an individual is self-absorbed. Self-absorption will cause an individual to miss out on fun activities, parties, celebrations and making connections with others. Behaving like a sponge, is compared to soaking everything up, and holding it all in. Only thinking about themselves, with a mindset (set of thoughts) that is not able to see the pain and struggles that others are going through. Sponges absorbs things and holds on to it until it is squeezed out. Self-absorbers hold on to the good that has been showered on them and will release thoughts about negative things that impact them.

The bible does not teach that individuals should be self-absorbed. It reads in Philippians 2:3-4 “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. 4 Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.” The scripture is a reminder that no one should be self-absorbed and have thoughts only about themselves and what concerns them. Individuals should also remember to consider others and not only be absorbed with themselves. Don’t be like a sponge that absorbs what’s around and never release anything of value for those that you encounter. I Will, Will You?

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