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Every healed broken relationship encountered with friends, family members or co-workers are great opportunities for you to witness the gospel of Jesus Christ and bring hope to others who are experiencing great difficulty from past wounded life scars and bondage.

  • All fear is casted out by perfect love.

  • God sent his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ in the flesh as a human, into the world to condemn it.

  • You will put the needs of others before your own desires.

  • You will choose truth in genuine love over evil.

  • Building trust is your solid foundation.

  • Pure joy and happiness are your desires for others.

  • There is nothing you can say or do that will separate you from God's love.

  • You will seek godly ways to embrace the differences of others and things through the eyes of your Creator and bring healing to this world.

  • You are more vulnerable without being needy and will courageously tap into your inner power.

  • Husbands will love their wives as Jesus Christ loves the church.

  • Wives will respect their husbands as the church does Jesus Christ.

  • Children will show honor and respect towards their parents through their words and behaviors as they represent God.

  • Parents will teach their children about Jesus Christ through their own words and modeled behaviors.

  • Forgive others, who have sinned against you. God will forgive you.

  • Jesus Christ meets you where you are and wraps his arms around you giving protection.

  • His love continuously reaches out to forgive you and sets you on your righteous path.

  • We all have imperfections, but we share God's perfect love.

  • God allows all of his children to make mistakes and gives them everlasting love along their journey.

  • Give yourself permission to heal and do not allow the stigma of battling resentment in silence to shatter the rest of your life.

A life poured out in love for others creates peace, joy and hope for the kingdom of God.

Are you loving perfect in God's eyes? Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48

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God's love covers everything and it is perfect.

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